Epofakt/ Merkartifix

Rien ne va plus – The Game Begins

Beate Lemcke

Excerpts from a text published in Junge Kunst, January–March 2001

A really rare experience: you’re happily sitting in a captivating group, playing a game with complete strangers and having a great conversation all through the evening without having to answer the usual small talk phrases and obligatory questions of the likes of: “What do you do, who are you?”
Ottjörg A.C., whose games have so far been played in Polish Katowice, Berlin, Bremen, Vienna, Mönchengladbach, and Dresden, is always surprised by the unpredictable and lively communication among the ever-changing constellations of participants.

...The games edition addresses the mediation that is necessary in art; on the one hand, between the artwork and the viewer, and on the other, social communication between the viewers.
The games reflect the facets, processes, and laws of the art business. Not on a one-to-one scale, but in a playful and provocative manner. Rather than ironic and sarcastic finger-pointing, it is more the open rules of MERCATIFIX and EPOFAKT that enable far reaching associations and discussions... A decisive strength of the games is to awaken an interest in art among people who normally have no access to it, by means of a playful approach.
...Ottjörg A.C.’s offer to organise a games evening is in particular demand in the business world, where the interest in promoting communication and creativity in work teams is high. The background to this focus is found in the expectation of enhanced associative capacities, a sensitisation to new perceptual evaluations and communication requirements, and the trainability of visionary resourcefulness…

Beate Lemcke lives in Berlin. She writes on art and literature and runs Irish Berlin, a business specialised on the sale of traditional products and fashion from Ireland.